Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Friend Zone

Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm a nice guy to everyone I meet.  Guys, girls, aliens, republicans, anyone.  I have many friends,  a lot of them hot chicks.  Let me say right now that I would have sex with 98% of them, readily.  This article on the Friend Zone is my life in a nutshell.  The friend zone doesn't bother me much.  Maybe I have just gotten used to it (which is awful, you don't have to tell me).  A lot of girls might read this and say "I have a lot of guy friends, a girl needs them.  More guys should be like that."  This is total bull.  Girls need friends like that. Guys don't.  I have guy friends to talk about my problems with.  When a dude ends up with 5 girls that are friends and no girlfriends he is bound to snap and you don't want to be around when it happens.  Seriously this is a huge lesson I wish someone would have told me a LONG time ago.  Pass it along to an unsuspecting guy hoping that one day, one beautiful day he just might be able to tap that ass.  Tell him it's only going to happen in his dreams.

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