Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Congress Tries to Enact more Stupid Restrictions

In this article is described a bill that would prohibit the viewing of social networking sites in school and public libraries and other places that children may connect with the interweb that happens to be federally funded. I am not saying that this is a totally bad idea, but I also think this is another example of people taking less and less responsibility for themselves and loved ones. People need to be more aware of what their kids are doing on the big bad nasty internet, it' as simple as that. Well maybe not, but that doesn't mean we need to invite the government to act as our keeper. You worried about your children meeting creepy and weird people on MySPace? Why don't you check out their myspace account all the time to make sure that everything on there is ok. Look at their messages, the types of pictures they put in their profile...etc. The more you know about this stuff and pay attention to your kid, the less they are likely to go meet 45 year old Steve in the park for some afternoon delight.

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