Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Harold and Kumar...In real life

On NYE this year 9 Muslim passengers were kicked off an air tran flight because of a comment made by one of the 9 passengers which was overheard and reported by another passenger on the plane.  The comment was to the affect of "Wow, the jets are right next to my window".  The full story can be read here. It's nice to see that as we talk so highly of "History being made before our eyes" with the election of a President with partial African heritage that we can still be as hateful and fucked up as we usually are.

Increased Airport Security: Mad Loot

Increased TSA Personel:
Mad Loot

Increased Airfares to account for increase in other airport "services":
Mad Loot

Kicking a family off of a plane for what is obviously a bullshit reason then not allowing them to return to the flight AFTER being cleared by the FBI:

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