Thursday, January 05, 2006

Greetings and Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year is always weird. People feel the need to re-invent themselves or change habits simply because they have a whole year to do something. They also had the previous years to improve upon whatever they wanted to improve on, but that does not matter since this the new year this is the ripest time to affect change in one's life. I am doing the same thing, adjusting my habitual ways and looking to be a different Adeola than I was last year. It's not a bad thing, its just weird that we find this need magically after an arbitrary amount of time has passed. By the way I just turned 25 and it feels good. Thank you for your Birthday wishes in advance. On with the Show...

Ok just kidding. Blogger is being ridiculous and slow, so the news is going to have to wait. It's a shame too because I have some pretty sweet pix I wanted to put up, but I guess its going to have to wait.

Oh let me take this time to change my opinion about I will not take my foot out of mouth to say that after comparing myspace to friendster I realized I was pretty wrong about myspace. It is a little bit more match friendly, its 10x faster than friendster and the customization of pages (eventhough I have not really gotten into it) is much better as well. Sorry friendster but you lost this one.

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