Monday, January 23, 2006

Korea's Crime Fighting Robots...

While I have always believed that our society would benefit from the help of robots to do the more menial tasks of our culture, this is still a bit scary. The Korean Center for Intelligent Robots has said that by 2010 we should see robots assist the police and military in keeping the public peace and going on dangerous recon missions. I guess we are not so far off of I,Robot after all.

While I am on the topic of security, I will mention RFID secure wallet for those concerned about the little radio transmitters scanning your wallet and alerting the government that the hard candy it contains has been in there since the early 90's (so nice now that we can use "the '90's" to signify something old). The blog entry here is actually not bad, even though I'm poking fun at it. There are RFID tags in a lot of the stuff that we use and because the tech is new and does not have an extensively secure ideology behind it yet, maybe some steps to keep your info safe are necessary. Still, a wallet surrounded in duct tape begs the user to be called "crazy" or some type of conspiracy nut. I wonder if they have ways to jack money off of E-Z Pass hardware clients yet? That would be crappy, someone jacks a huge amount off of your credit card just by sitting next to you at a red light...patent pending.

Last but not least I would like to alert everyone that I have become the incredible hulk, or just fat, not sure which one yet. Today while stretching in my office chair I clenched my fist, which flexed my forearm ( a normal move during stretching) and my sleeve right around my mid forearm tore, just like your pants would when they are tight and you bend down to grab something. This was really not cool because I like this shirt a lot, and it wasn't really that tight (its a button up shirt). It is a novelty though, and my sleeves that are rolled up to cover up the 3"-4" tear are an acceptable office fashion, could have been worse I guess. Could have ripped my pants (knock on wood).

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Myspace is Our Space...

Check out this article on myspace censorship. Actually I would not call it censorship so much as myspace trying to create a monopoly where there should be none. There has been a rash of website trickery going on recently, makes me wonder about how people are manipulating the "magic" of the internet. Most of these things might be able to be chalked up to pure coincidence but when is it going to stop being coincidental and start being real (thanks MTV)?

news is pretty old but I don't think I ever posted it (thanks go out to Pinto for orginially sending me the story). I will say it here, while I don't practice as much as I should I am muslim and I find this totally absurd. There is NOTHING that anyone can say to me to tell me that this is a rationale reason for outrage among the muslim community. You must be LOOKING for something to get angry about in order to find this offensive. The thing is its not like there is a shortage for things to be mad about with regards to western culture for the muslim community. I mean the whole "towel heads" comment could fuel an angry mob for at least a year, but a graphical symbol turned 90 degrees counter clockwise is the what is getting people's goats (no pun intended, for those that don't even know why there would be a pun, look up Eid Ul- Adha). Take a look at the photo below.

I was just reading about the ten most important people in video games and I came across this picture:

I thought it was just as hot as all the stupid geeks out there so I decided to post. Ahh, yes my dream girl (not really...)

Friday, January 06, 2006

A Few Things from the CES Show

For those that don't know, the Computer Electronics Show is going on right now. It's the biggest consumer electronics show in the world AND its in Las Vegas. Here are a few pictures of things that are there, the future is now...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Greetings and Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year is always weird. People feel the need to re-invent themselves or change habits simply because they have a whole year to do something. They also had the previous years to improve upon whatever they wanted to improve on, but that does not matter since this the new year this is the ripest time to affect change in one's life. I am doing the same thing, adjusting my habitual ways and looking to be a different Adeola than I was last year. It's not a bad thing, its just weird that we find this need magically after an arbitrary amount of time has passed. By the way I just turned 25 and it feels good. Thank you for your Birthday wishes in advance. On with the Show...

Ok just kidding. Blogger is being ridiculous and slow, so the news is going to have to wait. It's a shame too because I have some pretty sweet pix I wanted to put up, but I guess its going to have to wait.

Oh let me take this time to change my opinion about I will not take my foot out of mouth to say that after comparing myspace to friendster I realized I was pretty wrong about myspace. It is a little bit more match friendly, its 10x faster than friendster and the customization of pages (eventhough I have not really gotten into it) is much better as well. Sorry friendster but you lost this one.