Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kimchi in Space

As a lover of Kimchi, I find this hilarious. I can't imagine what those astronauts are going to be thinking when that smell hits them though. Maybe infinite vacuum will not look so bad once that can is opened.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Watching Prince Video's Makes You Gay...

The subject of this post may seems ludicrous, but it is perfectly in line with the thinking from an article excerpted below. This is a pretty bold, and I believe ridiculous, statement.

of people are constantly looking for pornography on the web, Canovas
says. "As their stimulation threshold rises, they feel the need for
stronger and stronger material until their search leads them to child

Hate Scientology? Think it's bogus? Like wearing masks and harassing people (with good reason)? Then these people might be your new best friends. They have already begun hitting the pavement.

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Muslims to Rest of World - "If your not with Us, your against us..."

You cannot control all the media depictions of your religion all over the world. Get over it. Between this and the burger king ice cream cone debacle we are not really representing ourselves and logical people. Then again, what real religion does...

Here is the hot tech item of the day, a modular phone/electronic device. I don't know if it will the next hot thing, but it certainly is an interesting concept.

And finally how Second life may be contributing to terrorism. You can't make this stuff up.

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Monday, February 04, 2008



Churches Banned from showing the super bowl, people put to death for internet criticisms, how a drunk captain of a ocean liner can ruin that youtube video for millions, and last but not least the TSA's blog. Finally someone to complain to about those stupid plastic bags that you have to put your toiletries in.

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Good Morning!

...and go Giants!! I am not really a big football fan, but I have to love the embarrassment that the Giants were able to hand to the Patriots last night. What a good game.

Two stories here, both pretty ridiculous.

First the Chinese claim that they will be able to control the falling of rain for the Olympic games that are supposed to take place there. Since there is no roof for the Olympic stadium they have taken the next best option and decided to control rain fall instead, what a crazy people...

Also a cool but scary new web comic from Microsoft. Warning, to look at the archives Silverlight will be needed.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Friday, February 01, 2008

The Cosmic Costs

If you don't know about Xavier: Renegade Angel yet, please ask somebody.