Thursday, August 04, 2005

Intelligent Design?! Are you Kidding Me!

When I first started this blog I had a few articles in mind that I would talk about to get my creative writing juices flowing. I never did write anything about those articles and just figured I would let it go thinking I would find other interesting things to write about in the future. Well it seems that one of those topics has re-surfaced and I can't pass up the chance this time. The title should give you an idea of what it is, but just in case, the issue is about teaching intelligent design in our public high schools alongside evolution as a competing theory of how man as we know him came to live on this earth as we do today. I pride myself on my ability to hear both sides of an arguement and give everyone a fair chance to make a point, in this case however I am going to have to agree with most of the scientific community that this should not even be a debate, much less a real issue to weigh in on.

Intelligent Design is not a scientific theory no matter how many people say it is. For those of you that don't know, intelligent design (better known as creationism) is the simple notion (and it really is one of the more simplistic ideas around) that we as human beings are SO complex biologically and in our current state of being that it is simply impossible for a guiding force to not have had some type of involvement in it. Basically we are too advanced to have gotten to this point of our existence with such a simple and misguided idea as evolution. Natural selection is hooey apparently. Most rational thinking people see this as a way for religion, notably Christianity, to find it's way into a public school system that has separated itself from the faith ages ago (technically). The proponents of this "Theory" say that it's valid and to not allow it is to willingly leave out of the public forum a whole chunk of educational goodness. These people are very serious and are trying very hard to get this piece of trash they like to call scientific thinking into the public high school curriculum, maybe even down to the elementary and middle school curriculum.

As if it was not hard enough to get youngsters to understand the mystery that is long division, we are going to teach them two separate theories of how humans came to be on this earth, and we expect this to be better for them. Our educational system is already lacking behind most of the modern world, now the hard christian right has figured out another way for use to fall behind. If this is such a valid theory then how come it is only being pushed in the US? Are we really that advanced that we know something the other 5 billion people in the world don't know. My idea is we don't, we just have more idiots and self righteous monkeys in this country who are actually willing to argue for the inclusion of such a ridiculous idea into minds of growing adults. I'm looking at you, Mr.Bush. The President recently said that he believes intelligent design should be taught in schools in order to address all the possibilities that could be when speaking about human developement. Ok I have a theory that I would like to include as well. We actually came from a super intelligent race of sea monkeys that lived on this world in the oceans before the break up of the continents. Where are these sea monkeys now? Obviously they have migrated to the new 10th planet found beyond the reaches of Pluto.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I showed you my digital watch and how it perfectly fits my wrist, keeps track of time, allows me to do calcualtions, etc, and then suggested it didn't have a designer but just suddenly popped into being, you would laugh. That is how ludicrous the evolution theory is. It tries to take any notion of a higher intelligent design out of the eqaution. What's so wrong with leaving room for the possibility? it doesn't even have to negate that an evoltionary process still happend. Why? Because there is an agenda by the controlling elite to keep their postion in power.

Back to the watch example: even the most basic single cell lifeforms are far more complex than my watch! We can't even create one single cell out of nothing! All we can do is clone it. And yet that is what evolution suggests--life just happend from the same elements we have today. If so, why can't the best educational/research centres even duplicate this one seemingly simple step in the evolutionary chain?! We know we can create the same environment in a lab setting and yet even one cell can't be created!

Think of this too: all life forms are carbon based matter yet carbon exists as a result of other dead life forms. Life requires life. It didn't just come out of oxygen and nitrogen and heat, etc, etc!

Additionally, all the higher educational centres like Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge were started by Christians to educate and point back to the creator, so it's not us highjacking the system but the humanists who have highjacked the original intent of the universties and higher education! The fact Humanism has highjacked the educational system around the world doesn't therefore mean it should now be the 'only' standard. If you honestly examine evolution you will see it is highly flawed. (Good luck trying to find books out there from those brave enough to withstand the scorn, but they are out there even so.)

Even the homo sapien was theorized off of one impartial collections of bones called "Lucy" that ended up being a forgery with a pig' bone used for the jaw, etc, etc! Do you know all the bones to support the skeletal evolutionary stage known as "home sapien" can only fit into a shoe box?!! A whole theory deduced from so few samples! It is rediculous! But it is man's attempt to take a god out of the picture, because a god who designed the world and mankind might perhaps require some accountability, something our human nature repels.

I would suggest you stop readily swallowing what has been spoon fed to you and examine the real facts. There isindeed a surge of creationists, and intelligent design, biologists and the like all around the word but their voice is being squashed by those now in charge. It is like the days of Galileo when the powers that be of that day tried to silence any voices of dissent, rediculing all such "theories" to the contrary. The only difference is now humanists rule the roost, which is fine to a degree, but let's not pretend it is any more rational or open minded. They are pushing their own form of religion but under the ruse of so called science even though it is so openly flawed to any scientist willing to honestly examine the theory of evolution and the few known facts.